Learning Analytics
School Leaders are struggling to keep up with all of the streams of student performance data flowing into schools. How do you make sense of it all? With Common Core and new standards, the summative assessments are changing. Data from benchmarks, formative assessments, classroom practice are also streaming in. Teachers are overwhelmed, and central office staff may not have the skills you need. If you are embarking on a turnaround or transformation plan, you need good base line measures to demonstrate progress and you need a skilled data team on call. That’s what Ed Inquiry is and what Ed Inquiry can do for you.
Our expertise in Learning Analytics comes from decades of innovations in data analysis, research and quantitative methods within many industries such as financial, economic and scientific research. We know data better than most and can translate it into meaningful insights for boards, school leaders and teachers. Don’t burden your teachers – let them teach. Don’t try to train staff when expertise can be on call. If you want to accelerate your transformation and turnaround efforts, add the sophistication of Learning Analytics and a team of proven providers.