The 2024 Design Team For The Biggest Winner Math Challenge is forming NOW!

The Massachusetts 2024 Summer Biggest Winner Math Challenge is getting ready!!! Ed Inquiry will begin assembling a very talented team of educators, education researchers, data analysts, coders and developers as well as  instructional designers, graphic artists and experienced project leaders.

All coming together with their broad range of cultural perspectives, expertise and lived experiences to ensure that a new and innovative model of project-based learning evolves offering more students the opportunity to experience innovations in student engagement, math instruction and the use of the new virtual space. The result?   A transformative learning experience  for advanced and motivated math students.

All participants (students, teen interns, national cohort of instructors) of the 2024 Biggest Winner Match Challenge will be working, learning and collaborating in a virtual environment as a part of an innovative new pilot program to inspire middle school students that love math while exposing high school students to the world of work and teaching.  

Biggest Winner Math Challenge and The Ed Inquiry Head of. the Class Teen Leader Program are growing and making an impact on the lives of advanced public school students and teens across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and beyond.

If you want to be a contributor to this great project check out our careers page for open jobs descriptions as they go live.

The Team

Tyrone Mowatt, MBA

EDI Principal Investigator/Managing Director

  • 40 years in industry as an innovator in various markets
  • Entrepreneur/Strategic Consultant to industry C Suite
  • Social Entrepreneur (creating earn while you learn opportunities for students globally)
  • 15 years in public education with proven results in program management and school turnaround
  • Former Chair:
    • Gifted/Talented Advisory Education Council,, Massachusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary Education
  • Native New York City – Massachusetts Transplant – Global Traveler
  • Believes: Lasting positive change, that can impact children across the country, CAN occur when highly talented, like minded, mission driven, passionate people find a vision they can share and align with.
Virtually Everywhere
Tyrone Mowatt

Sashoy Bailey

EDI Education Program Manager

  • Ed Inquiry Teacher of the Year – 2022 Session
  • Life-long interest in everything related to STEM
  • High School Science Teacher
  • Instructional Coach
  • One of the few engineering majors of color in her college
  • Believes that advanced students deserve a place where they can get the challenges they need to succeed
Springfield, Massachusetts
Sashoy Bailey

Ruth Fuentes

EDI Operations Manager

  • Teaching, training and designing new systems, processes and techniques for effective virtual collaborations
  • Applying new tools of outreach to create communities of educators, parents, teens and middle school students
  • Pioneering new practices and methods in the world of virtual work
  • Believes that students must have alternative pathways to reach their potential whether in business, education, music or art
Houston, Texas
Ruth Fuentes

Zehb Amoree

EDI Program Coordinator/ Assistant Producer 

  • Designer of “Student Experience”
  • Assistant Producer of Polaris Arts Program
  • 10 Years in Education, Youth Enrichment, and Undergraduate Program Facilitation
  • 15 Years in the Performing and Fine Arts.
  • Understands that the ENTIRE edification of students is vital to their long-lasting success
  • Believes: “Creativity takes Courage”- Henri Matisse. 
Houston,  Texas

Rosie Lopez

EDI Project Coordinator

  • Mission-driven 
  • 4+ Years of experience in program design and management
  • 3 Years of experience working in education
  • Born and raised in California
  • Believes that intensive collaboration is key to creating environments that empower students to succeed. 
Merced, California

Isha Hassan

 Head of the Class Teen Council – President

  • I was a student at BWMC in its pilot year
  • This will my 4th year as an EDI  Teen Leader
  • I am currently in 11th grade
  • I have a younger brother and younger sister (who are students in the program)
  • I am a HUGE Marvel fan
  • I am excited for this year of the program!
  • Believes: Don’t be discouraged by failure. The goal isn’t perfection but instead to learn and grow, which happens in the moments we say “I need help”
Isha Hassan

Eno Anoko

Vice President Emeritus

  • Physics is my favorite subject.
  • Iam a senior in high school
  • I am the oldest of four.
  • My favorite book that I’ve read for school is Things Fall Apart.
  • My favorite genre of music is R&B.
  • This will my 4th year working as an EDI  Teen Leader
  • Believes: Compassion, courage, and creativity are crucial to creating a fun and welcoming community-creative, outside-of-the-box thinking should always be shared and welcomed with open arms, no matter how abstract or unique.
Eno Anoko

Franklin Chen

Head of the Class Teen Council Member

  • My 4th as an EDI Teen Leader 
  • I love teaching in Biggest Winner Math Challenge
  • Currently in 11th grade
  • Favorite subject is math
  • Favorite food is egg fried rice
  • Favorite music genre is rap
  • Believes: Helping others to find a way to learn to love learning is a noble and worthwhile goals for educators, mentors, parent and students.


Nathaniel Whitten

Data Analyst

  • Two decades of experience in education as a data scientist, statistical researcher, data architect, and educational data consultant.
  • Life-long learner who feels like there’s something missing without at least two classes in progress at all times.
  • Believes that education is the key to a brighter future – for individuals, communities, and society at large.

 New Mexico.

Jim Faris

Creative Artist in Residence (2023-24) 

  • Web guru – Designer, Creator, Visionary
  • Visual spaces artist
  • 20 plus years of experience in art expression – for business and pleasure
  • Believes it’s all about unleashing creativity – in music, visual arts and story-telling.
Washington, D. C.
Jim Faris

Michael Richeson

Videographer In Residence


Bria Monét DuBose

Artist in Residence (2022-24)

  • Illustrator / Artist / Creative
  • Draw and create daily
  • Believes that art inspires and can convey written chapters in one glance.
Hanville, Louisiana

Katie Perkins (HR Knowledge)

Recruitment Partner  in Residence (2022-23)

  • Learned importance of balance early
  • Learned discipline and work ethic as an athlete (Life Guard)
  • Exploring the application of new tools and methods to the process of recruiting
  • Believes: That matching the right candidates to great opportunities creates fulfilling career choices .

Coming Soon

Summer Instructors

  • Interviewing now for Math educators to engage highly motivated advanced middle school students to become part of the 2024 cohort of national instructors. 
Virtually Anywhere

Coming Soon

Instructional Data Analyst

  • Interviewing now for a special candidate to become part of the management team

Instructors and Teen Leaders getting ready for The Biggest Winner Math Challenge for 2024.